COAF is delighted to host a STARMUS day at SMART Center in Lori on September 10, 2022, within the STARMUS VI: 50 years on Mars, the most awe-inspiring science and art festival taking place in Armenia this fall.
STARMUS Day at SMART will feature:
- scientific lectures on all things space,
- live music performances of ≈10 rock bands from Armenia and abroad, including Dogma, Kalandra, etc.
- stargazing to connect with our galactic neighbors,
- thematic planetarium,
- ≈30 expos of various products made in Lori,
- food court offering dishes from diverse cuisines.
STARMUS will bring together the most impressive world-class scientists and artists on the planet, and the COAF SMART Center will offer a unique blend of the event specials spiced with the breath of Lori’s enchanting nature.
Save the date and be sure not to miss the biggest ever art and science day in rural Armenia!
“STARMUS DAY AT SMART” is organized within the “Lori, Your Next Destination” project, implemented jointly by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and COAF.