We are happy to announce that “Science and Technology Convergence Platform (STCP) Launch and Overview of Research Funding Schemes in Armenia” event will take place on June 16, 4 PM GMT+4. The event is organized by Catalyst Foundation within the scope of the Science and Technology Convergence Platform (STCP) Initiative, which is meant to accelerate and facilitate the collaboration between local science, industry, academia, government and donor community representatives.
The STCP is implemented with the support of the EU4Business “Innovative Tourism and Technology Development for Armenia” project and consists of two Phases, one of which is already finished, and now we are in the process of Phase II implementation.
The aim of the event is to gather the science and technology community and officially launch the Phase II of the STCP by introducing the platform with its objectives, as well as to announce the Science and Technology Conference 2022.
The event will start with formal welcome speeches by the representatives of EU, GIZ and Catalyst Foundation and will be followed by 3 panel discussions on the following topics:
1. Research Funding Opportunities
2. Challenges and Opportunities of EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe
3. Getting Involved in University Research & Teaching
You can find the detailed agenda of the event under the following link:
Join us and be a part of the STCP mission! For the registration please follow the link below:
Prior registration is required.