Spontaneous meetup – Ruby and Engineering Culture for the community of ruby developers living in Armenia. A team from Lithuania will share their experience and thoughts on building processes in a software organization. This is a great opportunity for Ruby developers and those who don’t know anything about Ruby to get acquainted with each other and learn about Ruby development and software organization. 100% spontaneous, 100% good.
Address: 3 Hakob Hakobyan St., 11th floor (CoWo)
Event time: January 18 (Wednesday), 18:00 – 22:00
Sergy Sergyenko (Lithiuania) – Founder of Rubizza (Ruby Survival Camp)
Ali Monemian (Armenia)
Agenda of Ruby and Engineering Culture Meetup:
Start: 18:00
Sergy Sergyenko – How to build GIT centralized delivery process in software organization: 18:30 – 19:00
Beer & Wine Break: 19:00 – 19:15
Ali Monemian – Ruby, still alive and kicking: 19:15 – 19:45
Beer & Wine Break: 19:45 – 20:00
Ali Krynitsky – Re-thinking Software Craftsmanship: 20:00 – 20:30
Beer & Wine Break: 20:30 – 20:45
lightning talk: 20:45 – 21:15
Networking: 21:15 – 22:00
The presentations will be in English.
The total number of seats at the event: 50.
You can book your place on this website:
The official group of meetup for all the participants! In this group you can ask any questions or assistance: