First Armenian-German Research Summit on Intelligent & Data-Driven Systems
Are you ready to experience the wave towards one of the biggest events of the year?
We are happy to announce that the First Armenian-German Research Summit on Intelligent and Data-Driven Systems is about to embark on July 31-August 2, 2023.
Researchers and students from universities based both in Armenia and Germany carrying out research activities in the field of data science will have the opportunity to introduce their research projects to each other and the community, while unveiling their significant contributions to data science.
Hurry up to become part of the summit if you are interested in:
- gaining new insights on current local and international research in data science
- networking with various data science enthusiasts
- finding new collaboration ties
Over the course of 5 years of cooperation,
#CSE and the University of Duisburg-Essen have amassed a rich heritage of collaborative activities in both academia and research. Within this framework, three international workshops (CODASSCA 2018, 2020, and 2022) have been organized. Special issues of indexed journals based on the best contributions presented in these events have been co-edited.
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